Board Members
As legislative requirements for homeowners associations in California continue to grow, we realize that HOA manager’s responsibilities are ever increasing. Thru our program managers can devote their expertise to other areas and leave the assessment collections to us. Our team of experts will track your homeowners’ payments for each association in your portfolio and issue time sensitive notices that are in compliance with each individual collection policy. We also provide both internal and client-ready monthly spreadsheet summaries to help you better serve our mutual client base.
The notices issued are on management letterhead, and thru diligent follow up we keep managers apprised of each delinquent owner’s status from the very first friendly payment reminder letter, to the final notice after a board has voted to move an account into collections status.
Our program establishes a link between the early stages of late payments and the advanced steps to collect delinquent assessments thru consistency that ultimately minimizes the gap between anticipated income on annual proforma budgets versus actual collections. This will also serve to increase reserve study funding levels, which will allow owners and buyers alike to take advantage of low financing rates.
In the end our collaboration will result in the client appreciating that your ultimate mission is aligned with theirs:
To maintain the common areas in first class condition, foster a higher quality of life in the community and maximize property values.
Contact us today to set up a cost free presentation of this unique program and the customer centric collection methods we employ.